The Planet We Live On
What if someone said to you, beyond this point you can’t go? Every path you new, every sight you saw, it’s no longer available.
This morning sign prompt me to write about something that is on my mind for quite a while. If you are faint-hearted, please leave as I am about to start a rant.
As an artist I always try to find beauty in whatever is taking my interested in that particular moment. I am getting up really early, to explore beauty in landscape without people in it. Usually that means that if you follow my work, you will get this distorted vision of the world, where everything is beautiful – aesthetically clean. It is just my way to point out how world can be, and in some small scale still is. Then once and a while ugliness creeps upon me, overwhelming me with reality.
This world is full of sinful people, greedy, selfish and all sorts, but also stupid beyond belief.
Today, I read the news where it is the third day in a row where records in temperature for Canada is broken. In town Lytton it was 49.6C yesterday!!! This last few weeks Europe is boiling in a very dangerous temperatures for everyone. Incredibly powerful thunderstorms are producing tornadoes and delivering hail storms. Floods and earthquakes. It is like “the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains”. And after all these extreme weather events, warnings from scientists, even seeing with their own eyes, there are still naysayers to global climate change. Isn’t that stupidity or what?
I do not understand people who would go to nature and leave rubbish behind them?! It puzzles me that you can be so lazy or stupid not understanding that it will come back to you, all the filth will go back to rivers, air, ocean and end up in your water. How many diseases are caused with micro plastic that can’t be filtered and it is now in human guts? You don’t have to believe me, just read scientific journals lately.
Selfish, selfish people. Selfish thinking says – I don’t care, it is not mine to clean after somebody? It is the same selfishness that is at work saying I will not get COVID-19, I am strong, that is all a lie. The same selfish person will not take vaccine and will not prevent spreading of the disease. The reasoning behind will say – I am not to blame that my neighbour dies of COVID-19. It is the same selfishness on a grand scale who will not help poor countries get vaccine, and would pile up stock in their on country.
To end with this morning rant and come back to the sign from above. It was erected on my favourite path. I don’t blame the farmer who tries to protect people who are walking with dogs, small children and the path is very close to the cliffs. It is not fenced. It is nature, untouched, but people do not behave appropriately when coming into a wild nature. Now, nature is getting more and more fenced because of stupidity of irresponsible people.
It is a great sadness in my heart and probably in hearts of other true lovers and protectors of nature that we have to live in times like this.
At least we still have a voice and we still continue to speak, make art, educate in hope that majority will stop with bad habits.
I can’t imagine world where blue sky is no longer available, where fresh, clean water is no longer available, where my beautiful animals are just a tale of the old times.
Today is a very hazy, humid and quite warm day in Ireland.
And I still manage to find beauty even today on a day like this.
My beautiful photographs can be purchased here
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