Adox Silvermax
In the last couple of months may main work in photography is based on different testing. Testing new/old equipment, cameras, new films, at least new for me, for e.g. Adox collection of B&W films and last but not least, testing filters, all sorts ND filters e.g. recently bought ND 128/+7stops.
Yesterday, I developed first Silvermax film shot with Minolta x500. It is very pleasing film, good grain, reliable and good to work with, a bit sneaky to mount on one of the Jobo rails, but all-in-all pleasing.
Exposure was 1sec in the mid day, but this is Ireland, so it is always overcast. Unusually, it was calm.
And there are two shots from Kinsale, harbour and entrance to the harbour from the Atlantic ocean. It was a misty morning and in the period of 5 minutes, while I managed to set up my gear, heavy fog crept in from the ocean.